Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Underbelly Project, uderground one night gallery

I love this shit. In NYC, 103 graffiti artists, over 18 months in the making, descended into a forgotten, incomplete NYC subway station to take part in a super-secret graffiti gallery show. It had a one night opening, and was/is a closely guarded secret. If you were working there, fell down hard in the night and broke your leg, nobody would be around to hear you call for help.

I love that it brings the graffiti art back to its roots, pulling away from the recent acceptance and commercialization of the underground art form:
There is a certain type of person that the urban art movement has bred that enjoys the adventure as much as the art. Where else do you see a creative person risking themselves legally, financially, physically and creatively?”

Yuppers, as soon as it hits the NY Times, it's over. I just got this in my email box from a reliable source:
"The bad news is that the NYPD vandal squad was
also there Monday- an absolute army of cops. The fencing at the north
end of the south bound platform will be fixed very shortly and in a
few months a cinderblock wall will be built ( that last tidbit came
straight from the mouth of a Superintendant of Infrastructure). I
highly discourage anyone from taking a look because i am told that
there will be under cover police in the station for the next week or

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Danger Ranger posse meets MOOP

Near South Park neighborhood in SF.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Melborne paints of Bansky; paints over a ton of money

Melbourne city officials ordered a clean up a well-known graffiti area. Unfortunately, the cleanup crew painted over 2003 Banksy pieces. So why are they so "red-faced"?
"in Britain, Banksy's work has been defaced by vandals and ordered painted over by some local councils who do not want to encourage graffiti artists. However, his works have sold for more than $1 million at auction."

Saturday, April 24, 2010

MissionMission asks: Is it still a banksy piece if...

Mission Mission posted a great question:
So, let me ask you this, are these pieces still Banksy pieces if he didn’t put them up himself? "

Follow the conversation here