Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Underbelly Project, uderground one night gallery

I love this shit. In NYC, 103 graffiti artists, over 18 months in the making, descended into a forgotten, incomplete NYC subway station to take part in a super-secret graffiti gallery show. It had a one night opening, and was/is a closely guarded secret. If you were working there, fell down hard in the night and broke your leg, nobody would be around to hear you call for help.

I love that it brings the graffiti art back to its roots, pulling away from the recent acceptance and commercialization of the underground art form:
There is a certain type of person that the urban art movement has bred that enjoys the adventure as much as the art. Where else do you see a creative person risking themselves legally, financially, physically and creatively?”

Yuppers, as soon as it hits the NY Times, it's over. I just got this in my email box from a reliable source:
"The bad news is that the NYPD vandal squad was
also there Monday- an absolute army of cops. The fencing at the north
end of the south bound platform will be fixed very shortly and in a
few months a cinderblock wall will be built ( that last tidbit came
straight from the mouth of a Superintendant of Infrastructure). I
highly discourage anyone from taking a look because i am told that
there will be under cover police in the station for the next week or

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